Friday, December 2, 2011

VOICES TO HEAR - Q&A Interview by John Holland

This is a fun little interview conducted by John Holland at A Voice to Hear.  I think we all got to know each other a little better during this interview . . .

Simply Six: Dream Chemistry

1. For many artists, they cite a defining moment for themselves when they knew they wanted to be a singer/musician.  For many it was the appearance of Elvis on the Ed Sullivan show, to another generation it was the Beatles’ appearance on Sullivan half a decade later.  Is there such a defining moment for you?


I knew I wanted to sing and write music as a child. There was no defining moment for me. I was raised in a musical family and always loved it.


My father owned several nightclubs in Dallas, TX when I was a child and I got to hang out there on nights that my mother worked late. I used to love watching the guitarist for Sami Jo Cole and knew I wanted to play like that some day. Sami Jo Cole went on to be quite successful with some Billboard top 100 hits. Ironically, I was hired to help arrange and play guitar for her on her final tour in 1994.


No. I grew into it from the age of 9 when I began the study of violin.


Yes, being asked to be a Roadie for one of (Badlands) Greg Chaisson's early bands.  That experience was a defining time in my life and I knew from then on that I wanted to start playing an instrument.


As a child in the mid 60's I remember listening to the Beatles and Elvis a lot.

2. When you’re not creating music what are you listening to?  Who are some of your favorites?


Muse, U2, Andrew Bird, Adele, Feist, Led Zeppelin, Billie Holiday


The first 3 Journey records with Steve Perry, All About Eve, Ritchie Blackmore, Acoustic Alchemy, Symphony X,  Muse, Queen, Pink Floyd, Gustav Mahler, Bach, Robert Fripp, Led Zeppelin, Tool, Live, and many more.


    Anoushka Shankar, Herbie Hancock, Stephen Grapelli, Tool, Bill Lazwell, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart.


    I like everything from Disturbed and Five Finger Death Punch to Alison Krauss and Nickel Creek.


   I enjoy listening to various types of music. Luther Vandross is one of my favorite singers as well as  Barry White, Barry Manilow, and the Jackson 5.

3. What would you say is your greatest moment so far as an artist, either on record or live?


Writing my first song


My greatest moment live was playing in front of 35,000 people at the Tulsa Raceway.  It was a rush!

My greatest moment in the studio is a little harder to pinpoint but for now –let’s say, hearing the final mixes of Dream Chemistry-Images of White. It’s definitely in competition with the best and most unique sounding stuff I’ve ever recorded.


 I was playing violin to drums and chanting with much audience participation and I was able play directly from spirit.


I played a live performance at the State Fair with my son right before he turned three years old.

I love just playing in a great band and our accomplishments in publishing two CD's.
4.  Do you believe music can change the world or is just something to listen to? How much can music influence current events?

I absolutely believe music can change the world. Look at Michael Jackson’s death. People who never even met him were mourning his death all over the world. People would pass out in the Beatles presence. I believe music is a very powerful vehicle that can be used to influence people on a very large scale.


I believe that there are higher powers that ‘still’ delegate what gets pushed out there to the masses and what doesn’t. Until money no longer rules, the world isn’t going to change much.  I still have hope, though. I intend to keep putting positive energy into what I write and, hopefully, positive intent will beget positive results.


Music changes my world daily, and in that way I affect the world. In much the same way, be the change you want to see.


Music absolutely changes the world because the energy of the music creates an emotion in people.  And through that emotional state many decisions are made.  There are many ways in which music can cause change for people.


It may not change the world but it may bring peace and joy for people going thru hardships. 
5. How has technology affected the music industry?  How has technology affected  your career as a musician?

It has made it very easy to share your music all around the world without traveling there.


The first question has been answered by my band mates. As for the second - for me, personally, it has affected my career adversely. I had a lot more success before the internet. Though the steps may still be the same, I have had to relearn them in a new paradigm and I am still working on it.


It has allowed the advent of Karaoke Bars. I Love listening to Pandora. I am exposed daily to artists from all over the world. It is a daily inspiration for me.


Technology has affected the music industry by means of digital downloads and has allowed an explosion of independent artists to spring up. It has made it far easier to get music 'out there' via networks, but with the sheer volume of bands networking has made it more difficult to be heard.


I can’t really say.
6. Now for my Barbara Walters question:  If you were a pair of shoes what type of shoes would you be?

hmmmm... if I were a pair of shoes... I'd probably be 2 left feet!


A pair of leather high tops


A pair of 6" black, stiletto heels.


Well worn hunting boots.

   Blue Suede Shoes!!

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